Welcome to Our Activities Blog

Hello! I want to introduce you to our Activities Blog. Once a month we will provide the blog with ideas, suggestions and a few activities for the month so even if you are not here at Hart Ranch you can participate. If you want to ask questions, pass along other information or contact me l.wiesing@hrresort.org is how to find me. 

It’s spring here at Hart Ranch and I think this is a fun time of the year. We can hear birds chirping, see buds popping out on trees, daffodils blooming and the grass is turning green. It also seems like each day another member has arrived to enjoy Hart Ranch.Welcome!

One of my favorite activities here at Hart Ranch is walking. It gives me an opportunity to wave or say hello to everyone that is out riding on bikes, walking, or just sitting outside. All of theses activities are perfect to do but we do need to stay away from getting up close and personal. We are extremely fortunate to have areas here to use without having personal contact and if you do need to go out, keep your distance and wear a mask!

May brings a couple of holidays to prepare for: Mother’s Day is May 10 and the official holiday to kick off summer, Memorial Day is May 25. Here are some activities for May. Remember to try and use items that you have on hand so you do not need to go out. Improvise and create from whatever you have. 

For Mother’s Day make a special card. The card can be any size you want, folded many different ways and decorated with items you have. This is time to be creative and of course the message is personal. Mom, grandma or a special friend will appreciate your work! Other ways to celebrate Mother’s Day are to make or bake something special if you can be with Mom. 

Next, let’s tackle Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May. This year it will be on Monday, May 25. It is an American holiday that dates back to the Civil War and set aside to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. At 3:00 pm local time all across America people stop for moment of silence. Wearing a red poppy on Memorial Day has been a tradition that I can remember all the way back to my childhood. It was always important to have a red poppy. Make your own red poppy to wear out of tissue paper, construction paper or use paint or crayons to color white paper. 

I hope to be able to offer lots of activities at Hart Ranch this summer but will also do this monthly blog with more ideas and suggestions. Stay safe friends!